The documents linked to this page should give you all the information you need once you have signed up for camp.
IMPORTANT: There are a few forms that are required to be filled out online. The most important of which is the medical form. You must fill that out by logging into your account. Your login ID is the email address you used to sign up.
- Welcome letters
- Directions
- What to bring
- Other important information
IMPORTANT: There are a few forms that are required to be filled out online. The most important of which is the medical form. You must fill that out by logging into your account. Your login ID is the email address you used to sign up.
Complete Medical Form
Aviation Camp |
base camp
bay sailing cruise
Boys Adventure camp - northern california |
Boys Adventure camp - southern california
Canadian canoe trip
father/daughter camp |
Father/daughter canoe trip
father/son camp |
girls Adventure camp - southern california |
Scuba Camp |
surf camp |
Three Peak Adventure |
White Water canoe trip
Wilderness adventure camp |