Passing the TorchFor the past 45 years Bob Nass has impacted countless lives of men and boys as he faithfully served as Director of Sequoia Brigade Camp. This summer Bob will turn 80 and he feels It would be best for someone else to take up the role of Director. It really shouldn’t surprise us, but God knows our needs before we do, and He has sovereignly provided for us. Over the past few years, a long time friend of camp has felt led to become more involved with camp again. Last year we invited him to join the board, and we unanimously agreed that he should take up the position. If you don’t know Karl Benson, Here’s a word of introduction from him as our new Camp Director!
“Hello! I’m Karl Benson,
How you can help
Our camps have always been fully volunteer run, and none of our staff or board members are paid. However, the position of Camp Director really is a full time job and should include compensation. Please prayerfully consider supporting Karl with a monthly donation!
The Board will be using "World Outreach" as the administrator for managing the donations for Karl and complying with all tax laws. World Outreach is an umbrella administrator for small mission organizations and also provides a “home base” and mailing address for missionaries in faraway places.
To donate online, just click the button above and select Karl from the dropdown menu.
You may also support Karl by check. Just make the check out to "World Outreach" and put "Karl Benson / SBC" in the memo line.
Send checks to:
P.O. Box A F, Yuba City, CA 95992 |
Thank YOu!